Saturday, June 12, 2010

hola readers

To the few who read my blog, I will let you know that I had writer's block and could not write. I was also very busy with my human who has been working more often. She still managed to take me for a week in April to my grandparents house to see the big pale dog Sophie, who is friendly to me.

Most recently I figured out that I can fly since my feathers grew in after molting. I decided to fly to daddy the Spaniard and show him my skills but he kept ducking and avoiding me. I even flew around the corner to try to catch him. But he won and I landed on the floor. Then my human got me in..eeeek....a towel...and she clipped some of my traumatizing. The boy got a nasty scrape on his chest when he ran into the bar sized counter while trying to avoid me. how can I be so scary if I am only a tiny Meyers parrot?

Soon I will be watched by my first owners while my family goes on a little trip. It should be fun to be back in Rock Hill.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Feliz ano nuevo

Happy New Year to my feathered and non-feathered friends!

I went to Virginia where I saw many animals! I even rode on Sophie the dog's back, she didn't seem to mind. Through my nice view I saw a huge yard filled with various types of chickens, some who flew even farther than me. They squawked louder than I did. For Hanukkah/Christmas I got some birdie treats sent by my Spanish human. They are yummy banana shapes. Of course my human's extended family fed me well too, tomatoes, mandarins, etc. Yum!! I tried to eat all the leather I could find, new purses, camera cases, sunglass cases.

My human left me for a few days, I did eventually forgive her, she said she went even farther north, where it snowed! I think she said it was called NewwwJirsy...

Have a squawking new year filled with healthy food and happy friends!